IDC Spotlight Report Highlights Arcitecta’s New Approach to Backup and Recovery

The March toward a Common PB Data Repository and Eventually an EB-size Repository is Inevitable.

Terabytes of data are rapidly becoming petabytes to exabytes of data and beyond. The data-intensive organizations of today are challenged by rapidly accelerating data levels that are far outpacing their existing backup systems. Keeping large-scale data sets secure and resilient is a monumental problem and traditional backup often proves unviable when data volumes quickly grow to billions and trillions of files.

The recently published IDC Spotlight Report: Backup and Recovery Technology Rises to the Challenge of a New Era identifies the current industry challenges of backup and recovery and the requirements to overcome them. The Arcitecta-sponsored report highlights the current backup and recovery landscape, how today’s petabyte-scale systems expose the weaknesses of traditional backup and recovery architectures, and why a new approach is needed to meet the data protection needs of mass-scale environments.

According to the IDC report, “The fundamental architecture of backup and recovery has not changed substantially since the days when large-scale data stores were measured in terabytes. Now that petabyte-scale systems are the norm rather than the exception, the limits of traditional backup and recovery architectures are being laid to bare.”

At Arcitecta, we anticipated these industry trends and the fact that traditional backup would not be effective in managing and recovering the massive amount of data being generated today. We recently introduced a radical, new approach with our Mediaflux® Point in Time platform that overcomes the challenges of backup and recovery at scale, safeguards billions of files and petabytes of data, and helps organizations manage and protect data at these immense scales efficiently and cost effectively.

As one customer recently said about the power of the Mediaflux Point in Time solution, “I’ve seen it, but I can’t believe it. It's not possible.” – Yet it is!

"I’ve seen it, but I can’t believe it. It's not possible." – Yet it is!

Our Mediaflux Point in Time solution offers metadata-based data protection that secures data at scale, expedites data recovery from data corruption, hardware failures or ransomware attacks, and eliminates the significant cost and business impact of lost data. The solution is so powerful that data recovery from an event such as ransomware is as simple as rewinding the file system to any point before the attack using an interactive graphical slider. Simple, fast, and user-friendly!

The IDC report was authored by Phil Goodwin, Research Vice President, and Josephine Palencia, Research Director at IDC.